Thursday, June 10, 2010

What Happened to Chem Pav?

It's around 12mn right now.

I was awakened by the unceasing sound of sirens. When I looked at the window, I saw a lot of lights outside. I thought it was a parade, for it's June 10 today, and like it's UP foundation day celebration. I don't know, but that really was the first thought that came into my mind.

My roommate was also awakened by the sounds. She asked the people outside what happened, then told me that Chem Pav is on fire. Just then I realized that the sirens and blinking lights outside are from the fire trucks. From my view, I saw at least seven (7) fire trucks along the street where the Pavilions are located.

Luckily, our dormitory was not affected. We'll see what really happened to Chem Pav, later. I hope no personnel was injured, a prayer for that would be the least thing I can offer for now. Also, I hope I can go back to sleep again...

Sweet dreams, pips!☺

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