Thursday, June 10, 2010

No Doubt

For sure they are all missing me (us).☺

I received a text message from Kuya Dong (Venerando Ecal, a shift supervisor of the base metal plant where I had my OJT last summer). I was surprised because I did not give him my number, only to the TSD pips and Met Techs. He said he got it from Francis, my partner during the shifting.

I miss the Biko made by Kuya Dong's wife (I think). It is not that sticky, and it has a very sweet after taste, which I really ♥.

Ma'am Aynah, our initial supervisor for our OJT, also sends me text messages often. But it's like a GM (general message), and it all talks about love and all the hearty things.☺

I also miss them, no doubt. That's part of growing up. You really have to miss some people...

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