Wednesday, June 9, 2010

1st Semester Schedule

My wednesdays and and fridays for this semester will consist of: Arkiyoloji 1, IE 3, ES 12 (oh yeah, I ♥ this subject!☺), and PI 100.

From my Arkiyoloji class in the 4th floor of AS, I need to fly to Eng'g for my IE class (an elective), which is at the 5th floor of Eng'g. Then lunch break (yeah!♥). ES 12 will be for 2 hours every Wed and 3 hours every Fri. Lastly, I have to fly back to AS again for my PI, which is only at the 2nd floor of AS (whew!).

For this semester, Friday is my haggard day. Go, go, lezah!☺ No more red marks on your TCG for this semester, huh?

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