Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Temple Dedication

I'm really so excited to attend the Cebu Temple Dedication broadcast on Sunday at the Pasig Chapel. We'll be watching it as a family, and I'm so happy that Mom and my younger brothers agreed to join Pop and I. Unfortunatey, Ate Jam will not be with us because she's at Iligan City. My 2nd sis, Ate Mi (now Sister Tibule), is serving in Butuan Mission, and I'm sure she'll also be able to watch that once in a lifetime event.

No cameras are allowed during the entire event, so I won't be able to show you how the temple looks like inside. However, there's a site I've visited just a while ago discussing about the display of the Salt Lake City Temple replica. I kept on saying 'Wow!' to every picture I saw. If you're interested, here are the links:


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