Friday, June 18, 2010

Bad Day is Contagious

My friend was having her bad day all day today.

She narrated to me everything that happened to her.

First. While she was telling me one of the bad events that happened to her, she accidentally spilled her catsup onto my things: on my box, my shoe and my bed. I just look at the mess and concentrated back to my Arkiyo readings. She apologized and quickly cleaned up the mess. But still, the bloody stain of the catsup is still there.

Second. She needs to reload because she'll be contacting someone. I reminded her that I have a load wallet, so she purchased load from me na lang. While entering the number, she was narrating her another concern naman. And unfortunately, the number she/we entered was wrong. So I reloaded her again.

Third. I called the Globe Load hotline: 2629 if I could recover the mis-sent load, Unfortunately, there is no way daw to recover the load.

That's all for now. I hope nothing more unfortunate will happen to me till I sleep tonight


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