Friday, June 18, 2010


I had my Arkiyoloji 1 class at 8:30 in the morning kanina.

One of the topics my wonderful professor, Dr. Villanueva, discussed was about Forensic Anthropology. He said that its difference from Forensic Archaeology was that it concentrated only on studying bones.

So, the first thing to do if you'll be conducting Forensic Anthropology is to "de-flesh" the cadaver. He asked us if we have any ideas how they "de-flesh". No one among my classmates tried to guess. Then he said that one option is to boil the cadaver. Second is to use insects that will eat up the flesh and leave the bone clean.

But they don't do the second option since it consumes a lot of time. That means that they do boil a lot of cadaver, just like cooking bulalo. @_@

Boiled cadaver has a distinct smell daw. You'll instantly know if a cadaver is on the stove once you smell that distinct odor.

My professor has boiled and de-fleshed a lot of cadavers na. And he just got used to it.


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