Tuesday, June 8, 2010

UK Day today

Annie Rose and I saw a poster of a certain UK store yesterday, on our way to Meima's place. Upon seeing the promo, we agreed to return to that place.☺

So we went there after our last class. But we ate some snacks first before going there, because for sure, we'll be needing a lot of energy to scan the items there.

I was able to buy a Bossini-brand long pants, a green and white-striped knee-length skirt, and a gold tie for my bro. Guess how much did I spend??

UKs really are great stores for budget-limited students like me. Also, there are a lot of beautiful dresses, skirts, and office attires for almost only 10% of the branded ones. You just need to locate a great store.☺

I also believe that the brand doesn't matter as long as you know how to "magdala ng sarili".

Okay, so for others who thinks like me, let's enjoy UK shopping! ☺

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