Monday, November 29, 2010

Balanced Learning

Why does it seem like we always have lots of things to do? Plainly because:

"You are troubled over so many things and you have forgotten one thing, that is:
TO GIVE TIME; to listen and follow the teachings of the Lord."

That was the message of our Stake YSA Representative (sorry I forgot her name, but she's from Pasig 1st ward) during our sacrament meeting this Sunday. Hindi ako nakailag sa sinabi nya. Sapul na sapul ako. I've realized that balanced learning is really important. 

Balanced learning means: the effort that you dedicate to your secular learning must be the same amount of effort that you devote to learning the gospel. That's why I'm always stressed with my academic studies, simply because it's the only thing that I'm thinking from Mondays to Saturdays.

I once again remembered what our LDSSA president counseled to me, to follow the prophet. Okay. It's a real challenge for me to do that. I will surely need a lot of courage and dedication to the things that the prophets would have me to do.

Now, I know what I have to do first. I have to ask my Father in Heaven for help and guidance. If you too are in need of greater help, don't hesitate to ask Him. He's always available and willing to listen. Promise.=)

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