Monday, November 29, 2010

Balanced Learning

Why does it seem like we always have lots of things to do? Plainly because:

"You are troubled over so many things and you have forgotten one thing, that is:
TO GIVE TIME; to listen and follow the teachings of the Lord."

That was the message of our Stake YSA Representative (sorry I forgot her name, but she's from Pasig 1st ward) during our sacrament meeting this Sunday. Hindi ako nakailag sa sinabi nya. Sapul na sapul ako. I've realized that balanced learning is really important. 

Balanced learning means: the effort that you dedicate to your secular learning must be the same amount of effort that you devote to learning the gospel. That's why I'm always stressed with my academic studies, simply because it's the only thing that I'm thinking from Mondays to Saturdays.

I once again remembered what our LDSSA president counseled to me, to follow the prophet. Okay. It's a real challenge for me to do that. I will surely need a lot of courage and dedication to the things that the prophets would have me to do.

Now, I know what I have to do first. I have to ask my Father in Heaven for help and guidance. If you too are in need of greater help, don't hesitate to ask Him. He's always available and willing to listen. Promise.=)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Myself or Others?

"masaklap yung feeling na wala kang friend. you're trying to approach others but it's them who's keeping their distance from you."

here's my only advice: 

"please don't think of yourself only, on how you look, on how popular you've become, and stuff. PLEASE, look around you. go out of your comfort zone and cheer up the lonely. talk with the deaf or even listen to the mute. at the end of the day, it's good to think that you made someone happy and feel special, even just for a while."

Sorry for the ka-emo-han. That was what I felt when I visited a certain place early this evening. I don't know if I look snobbish or an introvert. But I did my best to smile at people, even though they are strangers to me. Am I that so insensible that people can't feel my fear of being left alone?

I tried to follow Kuya Danel's advice to me: "Hazel. Make time for it pls. Follow the prophet. You will be a better student. Do yourself a favor and enroll," that's why I went to that place (aside from my main objective of asking for his help for a certain course which I have a difficulty these days). 

Entrance. I saw a lot of students. They look so happy, but not approachable. I showed a big smile, but no eye contact to anyone. Then I approached Kuya Danel. He was busy tutoring another student so he asked another girl to teach me. The "tutoring session" went fine, except for some sign convention mistakes. Slowly, 7pm came. Classes will start soon. I don't know which class I will attend. I know some people there but they suddenly disappeared. I went to the CR. I looked at myself. "Poor Hazel." I just told  myself, looking at the girl in the relfection. I called a friend to remind her of a favor. I felt happy listening to a friend's voice, even for just a while. Then other girls, chatting as they came, entered the CR, I felt inapposite again. I fixed myself then headed to the main entrance. I went to the jeepney terminal and commuted back to my dormitory.

I don’t know if what I did was right. I don’t know if my feeling of being out of place is proper.

Was it my lack, or others insensitiveness? =(

Monday, November 22, 2010

He Walked A Mile in My Shoe

This one, entitled He Walked a Mile in My Shoe written by Jason Deere, is totally very exalting! Let's see if you'll feel the same way upon listening to it:

Here's the lyrics:

He lived 2000 years ago…I believe
So how could he truly know me
Though the son of God, my life, my friend
Still it’s hard for me to comprehend
And I wonder
      How could He know the heartache I feel
      When He lived a perfect life
      From Gesthemene to Calvary
      Was it really for me that He died
   Then the Spirit whispers
      These words ringing true
      From the garden to the cross
      He walked a mile in my shoes

Down on His knees in the garden that night
With tear-stained eyes
He lived each moment of our lives
Every fear and insecurity
That I’ve ever known
My every fallen moment, He has atoned
Still I wonder
    How could He know the heartache I feel
      When He lived a perfect life
      From Gesthemene to Calvary
      Was it really for me that He died
   Then the Spirit whispers
      These words ringing true
      From the garden to the cross
      He walked a mile in my shoes

The lyrics surely made me guilty of the things that I do, which I should not. He really is the most wonderful and humble person I've ever known. Doing things for the sake of others is a difficult thing, except if you really love and care that person.

Thinking that the Savior walked in my shoe during those hard times will help me be reverent and care for others, as well. Let's always remember the persecutions and trials that our loving Savior have gone through for our sake.=)

The Rising

As I've posted in my previous entry, I'm really hooked up in listening to EFY songs these days. Here's another wonderful piece I've encountered, entitled The Rising, written by Jason Deere:

I told my mother what troubled my heart
I saw the worry as she took me in her arms
I told the preacher, and he looked at me
And I saw the rising that never let me be

       Oh the rising
(The boy, the faith, the prayers, the hate)
       From weak things the great things
Are rising, rising
(The love, the fear, the fire, the tears)
The persecution, the spirit, the peace

       The spirit of God like a fire it spread
       Calling the nations put a price upon our heads
       Running through darkness and running to light
       Praying on our knees for one more day every night

       Amid the rising
(The boy, the faith, the prayers, the hate)
       From weak things the great things
Are rising, rising
(The love, the fear, the fire, the tears)
The persecution, the spirit, the peace
       I don’t know all the answers but I do my best
       To live up to the rising that won’t let me rest
Oh the rising…

True. From weak things, great things are founded. Also, when we fail, we must not stop there and accept our failure. Something must be founded upon that failure.

How about you? Do you feel like you're a big weakling? Well, then, start discovering your potentials and do your berst!=)

Sunday, November 21, 2010


One of the ways to easily memorize names is by using mnemonics. Mnemonics is defined as a device (such as rhyme or acronym) used to aid recall, as defined in WordWeb.
I remember in my Geol 11 (Elementary Geology) class way back 2007, my professor instructed us to make our own mnemonics of the Mohs' scale of hardness of minerals. Since I am a very obedient student, I used my not-so-very creative imagination and created my own mnemonic. Amazingly, I still remember the sequence of the Mohs' scale because of that mnemonic I invented 3 years ago. Here it is:

Taga -- TALC
Greenhills -- GYPSUM
Cubao -- CALCITE
Avenue -- APATITE
Quezon -- QUARTZ
Tower -- TOPAZ
Corner -- CORUNDUM
DasmariƱas -- DIAMOND

In my Geol 40 (Mineralogy) class this semester, we are again asked to know the sequence of the mineral hardness, and of course it's peanuts on my part na.=)

Now, I'm working on memorizing the Bravais lattices which our Professors redundantly remind us that we will really need it for the board exam on August next year. I've recently invented another mnemonic and I hope I'll remember it till next year.=) Here it is:

CUltivated -- CUBIC
MOving TO the -- MONOCLINIC (and there are 2 types of this, since there's TO)

Whew! The words I chose doesn't make sense if combined in one sentence. But I hope it'll help me a bit in remembering the Bravais lattices.

How about you? Be creative! Let your imaginations run wild and think of your own mnemonics.=)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

EFY Music

Lately, I've been listening to some EFY (Especially for Youth) music. Kuya Donnie gave me some and downloaded others from the internet. One of the songs which really touched me was: He Walked a Mile in My Shoe. I searched for a music video in YouTube and found this one:

Also, here's the lyrics which I've copied from Anika Bradford's site:

He lived 2000 years ago…I believe
So how could he truly know me
Though the son of God, my life, my friend
Still it’s hard for me to comprehend
And I wonder
How could He know the heartache I feel
When He lived a perfect life
From Gesthemene to Calvary
Was it really for me that He died
Then the Spirit whispers
These words ringing true
From the garden to the cross
He walked a mile in my shoes
Down on His knees in the garden that night
With tear-stained eyes
He lived each moment of our lives
Every fear and insecurity
That I’ve ever known
My every fallen moment, He has atoned
Still I wonder
How could He know the heartache I feel
When He lived a perfect life
From Gethsemene to Calvary
Was it really for me that He died
Then the Spirit whispers
These words ringing true
From the garden to the cross
He walked a mile in my shoes

Hope you'll get inspired too! ♫♪♫♪