Saturday, March 31, 2012

Tac-Mla-Tac ticket

Remember my post the other day?
Where I stressed at the end of my post that I will be spending my Holy Week here at Isabel, Leyte?

Well, sometimes girls change their mind suddenly because they realize that they made their decision too quickly. That's what happened to me the moment I published my post last time.

Despite having my decision written down, I still felt something that pushes me to think about it all over again: what would I be doing there? will my travel expenses compensate the things I'll be doing there? would my vacation at Manila be all worth it? Et cetera.

During the night that same day, while consulting my peers, my initial decision was slowly fading away and my desire to go to Manila was strengthened. I wanted to book a ticket that same moment, but I can't so I waited till the next day.

Early morning the next day, I did it. I booked a round trip ticket: Tac-Mla-Tac. At lunch, I went to the municipal proper to pay the booking but the people at the establishment said that their cut-off time for payments is 1100H. I pleaded them to accept my payment since it's the only time of the day that I can go out from the Plant. They did not accept my payment and advised me to ask someone to pay at the other branches. I did not feel sapot coz I know someone could help me: Moms!

I immediately texted Moms to pay my booking at Manila. I sent to Moms my supposed payment thru a money courier so she'd have money to pay for my ticket.

In less than an hour, Moms texted me the confirmation # of my ticket and Voila! Welcome to Manila! =))

How fast does a girl changes her mind? I also don't know the answer. 
I would just like to advise the people out there:

Be cautious in dealing with girls coz even I don't know how their mind goes.=))

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