Monday, January 3, 2011

Auntie Zeny in Manila

Here's some pics taken when Auntie Zeny and some of our relatives from La Unin visited our house on the 29th of December.

L-R: Pau-Pau, Marvin, Angel. Auntie Adora's is against the camera.

Pau-pau. Ate Erelyn's 2nd child.

Uncle Canuto.

Marvin. Cousin Ate Avon's son.


kain at picture picture

kaon lang!

Cousin Ate Erelyn and I.

some more souvenir pics

Another batch of pictures:

Auntie Zeny and Ate Jam

L-R: Erwinn, Ate Jam, Auntie Zeny, Diego

Ate Erelyn's hubby.

Inside their rented van.

See you again, soon, Auntie Zeny! 

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